
大行评级|大华继显:上调理想汽车目标价至100港元 今年交付量预测上调至50.5万辆

Dahua continues to show a positive outlook: raising li auto inc's target price to 100 Hong Kong dollars, with this year's delivery volume forecast increasing to 0.505 million vehicles.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 5, 2024 10:39  · Ratings

11/5格隆汇|Dahua Jixian released a research report pointing out that li auto inc's third-quarter revenue exceeded expectations, mainly driven by higher-than-expected delivery volume and average selling price (ASP). Looking ahead, based on the better-than-expected ASP in the third quarter, the bank has raised its ASP forecasts for 2024 to 2026 by 5%, 2%, and 2% respectively. This year's delivery volume forecast has been raised by 1% to 0.505 million units, and the net income forecasts for 2024 to 2026 have been raised by 25%, 29%, and 29% to 5.992 billion, 5.44 billion, and 5.074 billion yuan respectively. The rating has been upgraded to "hold", and the target price has been raised from HK$90 to HK$100.

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