

jinchuan intl (02362) sold approximately 0.0414 million tons of copper in the first 9 months.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 4 19:16

Jinchuan Intl (02362) announced that in the first 9 months before 2024, the group's mining business produced copper 47,18...

Wise Finance APP News, Jinchuan Intl (02362) announced that in the first 9 months of 2024, the group's mining business produced 47,183 tons of copper (in terms of the copper content in cathode copper and copper concentrate), a decrease of about 2% compared to the previous period, due to the unstable supply of electrical utilities from the national power grid in the Congo (Kinshasa). Sold 41,368 tons of copper, a decrease of about 3% compared to the previous period, due to the decreased copper production.

During this period, the group produced 735 tons of cobalt (in terms of the cobalt content in cobalt hydroxide), a decrease of about 56% compared to the previous period. Due to the decline in ore grade and the continuous decrease in cobalt market prices, the group has adjusted its production plan to reduce cobalt production accordingly, and suspended cobalt production from the end of May to August 2024 to allocate more resources to copper production. Cobalt production resumed in early September 2024. Sold 1,318 tons of cobalt, an increase of about 24% year-on-year, due to the group's active destocking of cobalt during this period.

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