

shanghai titan scientific co.,ltd. (688133.SH): tianjin Chuangfeng and its concerted action persons hold a total shareholding of less than 5%.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 4, 2024 17:49

Shanghai Titan Scientific Co.,Ltd. (688133.SH) announced that the company recently received a notice from Tianjin Chuangfeng and its concerted actor: Ning...

Financial APP Zhitong news, Shanghai Titan Scientific Co.,Ltd. (688133.SH) announced that the company recently received a notice from Tianjin Chuangfeng and its concerted actors: Ningbo Dongkai, Shanghai Chuangfeng, Ningbo Chuangfeng, Gujiao Jinniu, Guotong Chuangfeng, and Peng Zhen, along with the "Simple Equity Change Report", as of November 4, 2024, the total shareholding proportion of the information disclosure obligors is less than 5%.

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