
Koh Wee Lih Leaves Keppel REIT Management to Assume New Role at Keppel

Singapore Business Review ·  Nov 4, 2024 11:51

He will serve as Keppel's managing director for business development.

Koh Wee Lih will assume a new role at Keppel as managing director for business development.

With his new role, Koh will leave his CEO post as Keppel REIT Management, the manager of Keppel REIT.

Koh will officially step down from his CEO role on 31 December.

Replacing Koh as CEO of Keppel REIT Management is Chua Hsien Yang.

As CEO, Chua will work with the board and other members of the Keppel REIT management team to determine an executive strategy for Keppel REIT.

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