

A-share movement | From today onwards, 'ST Lighten' start trading with a 'cap', ST Guandian fell 20cm limit down during the session.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 4, 2024 10:56

Gelonghui November 4th | Drone service provider special treat Guandian (688287.SH) resumed trading and once fell by 20cm, now trading at 5.07 yuan, with a total market value of less than 2 billion yuan. In terms of news, the company resumed trading today and implemented other risk warnings from the day of resumption, and the stock abbreviation after resumption is ST Guandian. The stock's daily limit remains at 20%. The company's self-inspection found that as of May 29, 2024, the actual controller has not returned a total of 159.1852 million yuan, constituting the actual controller and its related parties' occupation of the company's assets, accounting for 15.97% of the company's latest audited net assets attributable to the parent company. (Gelonghui)

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