
雅培(ABT.US)股價漲5% 在早產兒配方奶粉訴訟中獲勝

abbott laboratories (ABT.US) stock price rose by 5% and won the lawsuit over premature infant formula.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 2 01:02

Abbott Laboratories (ABT.US) saw a 5% increase in stock price on Friday, after a jury ruled that Abbott and Reckitt's subsidiary were not responsible in the premature infant formula powder risk litigation.

A jury in St. Louis, Missouri, ruled on Thursday that Abbott and Reckitt's subsidiary Mead Johnson were not responsible for a severe intestinal condition in a baby boy. The lawsuit accused the above companies of failing to warn hospitals' neonatal intensive care units that the special formula powder used could lead to necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).

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