

Okayama papermaking, etc. [buying demand for next week]

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 1, 2024 16:16

[Next week's buying demand (table)]

Code; Brand; Stock Impact; Buying Demand; Credit Ratio; Closing Price; Day-to-day Comparison

<7678> ;Asakuma;1173%;35200;0.47;3880;-15

<2404> ;Tetsujinka;504%;11600;1.29;423;0

<4425> ;Kudan;298%;121300;2.66;1527;-36

<9227> ;Microwave chemicals;219%;109300;1.83;710;-13

<3222> ;USMH;217%;490300;0.33;831;-3

<8079> ;Seiei Shoku;211%;119400;0.05;4415;0

lear ;Utani's Expert;201%;831,400;1.42;154;-5

lear ;Tenpos HD;198%;18,400;0.52;3,205;-20

lear ;Asterisk;196%;10,800;14.72;452;-12

lear ;Toyo Food;192%;25,600;0.16;2,040;-31

lear ;Retail;174%;80;1.78;30,170;-330

lear ;Sanseru;153%;7,200;0.38;2,017;-13

lear ;Kosei Securities;123%;16,600;10.67;407;-4

lear ;Okayama Paper;117%;700;20.00;1,285;5

lear Hi-Tech 103% 3000 2.79 1328 -2

Hot stock Land 100% 43500 0.22 2322 -13

Cans buy 100% 500 6.30 897 -3

Fuji Food 95% 94700 0.10 1399 9

Will 86% 600 60.29 466 6

Material 81% 23600 3.79 755 -25


Okayama papermaking 3892 is trending below PBR 1.

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