

Emerging Markets Stock Digest: Micreed continues to rise, Sapeet hits the daily limit up.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 1, 2024 14:26

<4883> Modaris 132 -14

Declining. The Tokyo Stock Exchange has announced that from the 1st, they have been selling as the commission margin trading for the company's stock has set the initial sale and purchase guarantee deposit rate at 50% or more (including 20% or more in cash). Additionally, the Japan Securities Finance also announced the implementation of increased collateral collection measures, setting the collateral deposit rate for individual trading transactions and non-cleared participants at 50% (including 20% cash collateral) from the same day onwards.

<4262> Nifty Life 897 +27

Continued. The performance for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending in March 2025 was announced, and it is considered a positive development. Revenue reached 2.159 billion yen, marking a record high with a 44.4% increase compared to the same period last year. This was attributed to the consolidation effect of Doors in the real estate tech sector and the effective promotion and improved customer attraction achieved by the main service Nifty Real Estate. Regarding each profit stage below operating profit, although there was a decrease compared to the same period last year due to the temporary impact of share acquisition-related costs associated with the consolidation of Doors' subsidiaries, the decrease compared to the first quarter has narrowed.

<269A> Sapeet 4410 +700

Hit the daily limit up and set a new year-to-date high. It was listed on the 29th, setting the initial price at 2285 yen, which exceeded the public offering price of 1500 yen by 785 yen (52.3%). The buying momentum has continued, with the stock hitting the daily limit up again today following yesterday's upward trend. The company reproduces and supports expert knowledge in various areas with AI and expands the value of core business through the 'Expert AI' business. It seems to continue to attract attention and remain popular as part of AI-related activities.

<4582> Shinbio Pharmaceuticals 233 -6

Continued decline. After the trading on the 31st, the financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending December 24 were announced, triggering selling pressure. Operating loss expanded to ¥2.791 billion (compared to operating loss of ¥0.283 billion in the same period last year), and ordinary loss widened to ¥2.759 billion (compared to ordinary loss of ¥0.156 billion in the same period last year). Research and development expenses amounted to ¥2.492 billion (an increase of 36.69% from the same period last year), bringing the total including other selling and general administrative expenses to ¥4.235 billion (a 12.7% increase from the same period last year).

<7687> Mクリード 437 +40

Continued rise. After the trading on the 31st, upward revision of the full-year earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending March 25, announcement of surplus dividend (interim dividend), and revision of dividend forecast have been made, considered as positive factors. The revenue forecast has been revised from ¥6.55 billion to ¥6.85 billion (an increase of 4.6%), and the operating profit forecast has been revised from ¥0.335 billion to ¥0.365 billion (an increase of 9.0%). Additionally, the interim dividend has been increased by ¥0.40 per share from the recent forecast to ¥3.80, and the year-end dividend has been increased by ¥0.20 per share to ¥3.70. As a result, the expected annual dividend per share including the interim dividend is ¥7.50.

<2479> Jテック 232 +5

Continued rise. For the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 25, the revenue was ¥1.647 billion (an increase of 1.4% from the same period last year), and the operating profit was ¥0.098 billion (an increase of 50.1%). In the manufacturing sector, a key customer of stem inc, the demand for "technologists" with advanced technology and human skills in the main technology intellectual property leasing business continues to be stable. Furthermore, through strengthened collaboration between departments, high evaluations have been received from repeat customers, leading to further strengthening of the revenue base and cost reduction through business efficiency improvements. As a result, profit performance has been strong, with an increase in profits compared to the same period last year at all levels.

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