

Volume change rate ranking (14 o'clock) - Wellnet, FPG, etc. have ranked in.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 1, 2024 13:41

In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.

Top volume change rate [As of 14:32 on November 1]

(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)

Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<3779>J. Escom HD934000091280.82341.46%0.1717%
<2856>US Bond 37H26229010276.857311.97%-0.0002%
<1656>iS Core US Bonds60148022192.647217.77%-0.0023%
<5445>Tokyo Steel679000648143.9196.02%0.0922%
<2630>MXS American stock market.2077343480.519189.1%-0.0126%
<2841>iF eggplant 100H4892094632.039179.64%-0.0164%
<6257>Fujitsu Corporation15630038520.16179.08%-0.0328%
<5602>Kurimoto Tetsu182300150532.3175.86%6.79%0%
<3550>Studio Atao677002693.1171.37%0.0108%
<2620>iS US Treasury 1374437078104.633164.23%-0.0025%
<6331>Chemical machinery260700169742.2163.74%-0.1327%
<6135>Makino Farm386700559203.6158.78%0.0967%
<1941>Chuden Construction227700185379.5145.8%0.0606%
<2625>iFTPX 499339108334.342139.21%-0.0166%
<7270>subaru corp unsponsored adr134974008515465.72138.83%-0.1064%

The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.

Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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