

Henan Yicheng New Energy (300080.SZ): Some directors and executives have completed a total shareholding of 0.1925 million shares.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 31, 2024 16:29

On October 31, gelonhui reported that henan yicheng new energy (300080.SZ) announced that as of October 30, 2024, the relevant shareholding plan period has expired and the shareholding plan has been fully implemented. Board of directors Mr. Du Yonghong, director Mr. Wang Shaofeng, vice president Mr. Yang Guangjie, CFO Mr. Wang Shangfeng, vice president and board secretary Mr. Chang Xinghua and other shareholding entities have collectively increased their shareholdings by 0.1925 million shares, all not less than the respective committed minimum number of shares to be increased.

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