
学情---30代に特化した転職・採用サービス「Re就活 30」をローンチ

Launch of 'Re Job Hunting 30', a job transfer and recruitment service specialized for people in their 30s.

Fisco Japan ·  Oct 31, 2024 16:24

Gakujou <2301> announced the launch of "Re Shuukatsu 30", a job change and recruitment service specialized for people in their 30s.

"Re Shuukatsu 30" is a "Direct Recruiting Service" where individuals in their 30s, who are considering the next step in their careers, can receive headhunting directly from companies. The employment types of the offered positions are full-time employees and contract employees. The service leverages the strengths of "Re Shuukatsu", which is strong in the 20s, to support the "next career" of 30-year-olds who have switched jobs through "Re Shuukatsu".

The company supports workers in their 30s to challenge themselves in new environments, contributes to the growth of workers and companies, and further enhances the competitiveness of the Japanese economy.

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