

Yirui Biology (300942.SZ): The fully automated testing workstations developed have already been adopted by multiple clients in different stages of project implementation.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 31, 2024 15:20

Gelonghui, October 31st - Yirui Biology (300942.SZ) stated at an investor relations event that the company has developed a fully automated detection workstation, with multiple customers currently progressing with the projects. For example, some Mondelez factories have completed verification, while Qingdao Nestlé has also completed verification and is in the trial phase. Several customers like Guangdong Yantang Dairy have expressed purchasing intentions and are in discussions. The company provides customers with systematic and digital solutions to ensure the quality of testing, helping customers achieve digital transformation and cost reduction, while enhancing quality control and traceability. Considering the compatibility of testing reagents, the sales of fully automated detection workstations will boost reagent sales, increase customer loyalty to the company's products, raise the competitive barriers, and seize the market development opportunities of intelligentization.

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