
瑞银:产量与成本风险并存 下调纽曼矿业(NEM.US)与巴里克黄金(GOLD.US)评级

UBS Group: Production and cost risks coexist, downgrading the ratings of Newmont (NEM.US) and Barrick Gold (GOLD.US).

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 31, 2024 11:30  · Ratings

UBS Group downgraded Newmont and Barrick Gold's rating from buy to neutral, with target prices of $54 and $22 respectively.

According to Cnstock, UBS Group downgraded the ratings of Newmont Mining (NEM.US) and Barrick Gold (GOLD.US) from buy to neutral, with target prices of $54 and $22.

Analyst Daniel Major from UBS mentioned that Newmont's performance in the third quarter was surprisingly poor. Management hinted that core production and costs in 2025 would not improve, lacking visibility for the medium-term outlook, which weakened confidence. UBS stated that due to the guidance on third-quarter performance, mid-term production and free cash flow forecasts were significantly lowered, impacting Newmont's ability to provide outstanding and sustainable cash returns compared to peers. Additionally, the company's expectation of further asset sales to some extent offset this, supporting near-term cash returns and benefiting from positive gold prospects.

Regarding Barrick Gold, UBS mentioned that the combination of reduced production in 2024 and ongoing cost pressures poses downside risks to the company's previous 2025 production guidance, with cost challenges on the rise, which is not currently reflected in market consensus.

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