ドンキの弁当・総菜ブランド「偏愛めし」誕生1周年記念! 価格は据え置き、人気商品の"偏愛"を「そこまでやるか!」と驚くほどに増量! 「偏愛マックスわっしょい祭り」11月1日(金)より開催! 〈"突き抜ける偏愛"を耳からも!?人気声優・梶裕貴さんによる「偏愛ボイス」も順次公開!〉
Don Quijote's bento and deli brand "Devoted Meal" celebrates its 1st anniversary! Prices remain the same, but the popular "Devotion" products are significantly increased to the point of astonishment! The "Devotion Max Wasshoi Festival" will be held from N
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