
绿科科技国际(00195):利益相关方拟提出自愿有条件全面现金要约 继续停牌

greentech intl (00195): Stakeholders intend to propose a voluntary conditional full cash tender offer, trading remains suspended.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 30, 2024 22:10

greentech intl (00195) announced that on October 23, 2024, the board of directors received communication from interested parties...

Zhongtong Finance APP News, greentech intl (00195) announced that on October 23, 2024, the board of directors received a letter from interested parties indicating their intention to make a voluntary conditional full cash offer to acquire all issued shares of the company (excluding those already acquired and/or agreed to be acquired by interested parties or their concerted actors) and cancel all unexercised options to purchase shares of the company (allegedly offerable), subject to further specified conditions and compliance with takeover rules.

According to the letter, the interested party is a company registered in Australia with shares listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. The interested party is Australia's largest tin producer, holding an asset portfolio from exploration to development, with its main asset being a 50% stake in the Renison Tin Operations through holding 50% of the shares of Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture (including the Renison tin mine 15 km northeast of Zeehan on the west coast of Tasmania; and the bischoff mountain project 80 km north of the Renison tin mine, which was included in the designation and maintenance phase in 2010), with the remaining 50% stake in the joint venture held by YT Parksong Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, and YT Parksong Australia Holdings Pty Ltd being indirectly owned 82% by a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company.

In addition, the company's shares will continue to be suspended.

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