
环球印馆(08448):李爽及高荣合计购入New Metro Inc.15%的权益

Uni Printshop (08448): Li Shuang and Gao Rong collectively purchased 15% equity of New Metro Inc.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 30, 2024 17:06

Uni Printshop (08448) announced that as of the date of this announcement, the company held 0.499 billion issued shares, among which...

Zhongtong Finance App News, Uni Printshop (08448) announced that as of the date of this announcement, the company held 0.499 billion issued shares, of which New Metro Inc. (a limited company registered under the laws of the British Virgin Islands and fully owned by Lin Chengda before the completion of the equity change) held 0.297 billion shares (approximately 59.45% of the total shares). New Metro Inc., Lin Chengda, former executive director Zhou Wenqiang, and former executive director Xu Qingnai (referred to as the "concerted controlling shareholder") entered into a Concerted Action Commitment Deed dated April 4, 2022 (Concerted Action Commitment Deed, where the contracting parties have agreed to aggregate their respective interests and directly and/or indirectly control the company, and unanimously vote on any resolutions to be passed at any shareholders' meeting of the company, with each being deemed to have an interest in the shares held by the other parties. Therefore, before the completion of the equity change, the concerted controlling shareholder owns an interest in approximately 66.54% of the shares.

According to the equity change on October 28, 2024, (i) Li Shuang acquired 100 shares of New Metro Inc.; and (ii) Gao Rong acquired 50 shares of New Metro Inc. (equity change). After the equity change, Lin Chengda, Li Shuang, and Gao Rong respectively own 85%, 10%, and 5% of the equity in New Metro Inc. The equity change only relates to the shares of New Metro Inc. After the equity change is completed, New Metro Inc. remains a direct shareholder holding approximately 59.45% of the shares, and the equity change will not affect the Concerted Action Commitment Deed. The Securities and Futures Commission has confirmed that Li Shuang and Gao Rong are not required to bear the responsibility of making a full offer for the equity change.

The equity change is actually an opportunity for Li Shuang and Gao Rong to increase their involvement in the company as shareholders through New Metro Inc., aligning their interests more closely with the interests of the company's public shareholders. Since the equity change does not involve the issuance of new shares, the existing shareholding proportion of the company's public shareholders will not be diluted. It is expected that the equity change will not have any significant impact on the company's day-to-day operations.

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