
一线丨京东集团周伯文:人工智能从模仿人开始 但终究还是要服务于人类

Front-line Group Zhou Bowen: artificial intelligence starts from imitating human beings, but it still has to serve human beings after all.

腾讯新闻一线 ·  Jan 23, 2020 16:37

TencentNews "front line" Davos reporting group

At the 2020 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, on January 22nd, at a sub-forum with the theme "the next decade of the Smart economy: beginning with Trust, better than the pattern", Group Vice President, Yun and President of AI,JingDongZhou Bowen, chairman of the group's technical committee, said that artificial intelligence starts with imitating human beings, but it still has to serve human beings after all.

Exactly, he said.IBMIn the early years, the man-machine war between the Deep Blue supercomputer and the Watson cognitive computing system made artificial intelligence known to the public. On the one hand, it shows the great progress made by artificial intelligence technology, but on the other hand, it also arouses people's concern. Many people will worry that artificial intelligence is becoming ubiquitous, how to manage it? Will artificial intelligence replace people's jobs?

Zhou Bowen believes that people began to do artificial intelligence research 50 or 60 years ago. Today's artificial intelligence is still in the early stage of development and still depends on a lot of human support to a large extent. "if we think of artificial intelligence as the ocean, humans are still just wandering on the beach, and there is still a lot of work for us to do. Artificial intelligence is not a sprint, but a marathon. " Zhou Bowen said so.

Zhou Bowen is also optimistic about the governance of artificial intelligence: "Don't worry that supervision will not be able to keep up with the pace of technology." Ford produced the first Model T car in 1908, and it was not until 60 years later that safety regulations were introduced one after another, which did not prevent people from enjoying and benefiting from technological change. "

Recently, face recognition has become the most concerned artificial intelligence application. It is this application that has become one of the hot topics among the guests present. The views and disputes between the East and the West mainly focus on the concern and goodness around face recognition technology: Nicholas Thompson expressed concern about the challenge of face recognition technology to non-central database and the problems that may be caused by the difference in recognition accuracy caused by feature differences. Daniela Rus believes that in view of skin color differences, equal accuracy identification of skin color can be achieved by adjusting training data sets and other setting strategies.

At a time when the topic is heated, Zhou Bowen believes that Chinese police are using face recognition technology to find lost children, matching childhood photos and correctly identifying them by recognizing facial information after adulthood. This is a very good application case. From this point of view, the practical application of artificial intelligence technology has far exceeded people's understanding of technology perception.

But Zhou Bowen also said that artificial intelligence is not only limited to the application of perception layer, but also includes cognition, reasoning and decision-making. people should not only pay attention to the surface of the application of face recognition, but also pay more attention to the in-depth application of artificial intelligence in the industry, and explore how to apply artificial intelligence technology to help enterprises improve efficiency.

Zhou Bowen gave the example of Aunt Qian. Aunt Qian is a small pork shop run by a mother and daughter in Guangdong, but it has been determined not to sell overnight meat from the beginning. This is a challenging goal because decisions need to be made about how much to buy every day and when to start a discount. artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with the supply chain team, designed an intelligent system for Aunt Qian, using online residential data, traffic, weather and other information, using a pricing strategy based on reinforcement learning. to help the butcher shop expand from Guangdong to the Yangtze River basin, with annual sales of more than 60 million yuan. As a successful case of reliable AI, helps businesses improve their user experience and further reduce social consumption through technology empowerment.

"We have helped Aunt Qian, but I am also asking myself that there may be millions of Aunt Qian in China, as well as Aunt Li and Aunt Zhang. How can we help them?" It is based on this idea that established the artificial intelligence platform NeuHub, opening 's AI technology to all developers. "I may not be able to help every store, but I can help build an ecosystem that brings in more developers, startups and academics and works together to build solutions for more stores."

Other guests attending the sub-forum included Daniela Rus, Associate Dean of Kay Firth-Butterfield,MIT School of computer Science and Director of computer Science and artificial Intelligence Laboratory, head of artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning of the World Economic Forum, and Professor Xue Lan, Dean of Schwarzman College of Tsinghua University. The forum was hosted by Nicholas Thompson, editor-in-chief of Wired magazine.

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