
胡潤中國百富榜發布:字節跳動張一鳴成為首富 鐘睒睒及馬化騰居第二及第三位

Hurun China Rich List released: Zhang Yiming of ByteDance became the richest man, followed by Zhong Shanshan and Ma Huateng in second and third place respectively.

AASTOCKS ·  Oct 29, 2024 12:26

Hurun Research Institute released the "2024 Hurun Rich List", with Zhang Yiming, 41 years old from ByteDance, holding 350 billion yuan, becoming China's richest person for the first time. Zhong Shanshan, the 70-year-old founder of Nongfu Spring (09633.HK), ranked second with a fortune of 340 billion yuan, while Ma Huateng, 53 years old from Tencent (00700.HK), ranked third with a fortune of 315 billion yuan.

Huang Zheng of PDD Holdings (PDD.US) ranked fourth with a fortune of 245 billion yuan. The CK Hutchison related Li Ka-shing and his son Victor Li ranked sixth on the wealth list, with a combined fortune of 200 billion yuan, while the Ma Yun family ranked tenth with a fortune of 165 billion yuan.

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