
中金公司(03908):中金财富收到法院应诉通知书 正在准备应诉中

智通财经 ·  Jan 23, 2020 10:30

Zhitong Finance App News, CICC Corporation (03908) announced that on January 20, 2020, China CICC Wealth Securities Co., Ltd. received a notice of response from the Haikou Intermediate People's Court. Because Anhui Foreign Economic Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. failed to pay the principal and interest of maturing bonds as agreed (involving bonds 16 Anhui Jing02), Haikou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. sued Anhui Foreign Economic Corporation to repay 100 million yuan of bond investment principal and corresponding interest and liquidated damages. Since CICC Wealth was the co-lead underwriter of 16 Anhui Economic and Social Security 02, the plaintiff Haikou Rural Commercial Bank added CICC Wealth as a defendant and demanded that CICC Wealth bear joint responsibility for the settlement of the above debt.

CICC Wealth is preparing to respond to the lawsuit. Currently, the case has not yet been heard. The above lawsuit had no significant impact on the production and operation of CICC Wealth, its financial position, or its ability to repay its debts.

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