

china jushi co., ltd (600176.SH): It is expected that the growth of new production capacity in the next two years will remain within a reasonable range.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 28, 2024 03:43

On October 28, china jushi co., ltd. (600176.SH) disclosed in the online performance briefing for the third quarter that there are currently some fiberglass tank furnace projects under construction or planning in the industry. However, companies in the industry generally take the initiative to implement production capacity adjustment measures, such as delaying the commissioning of new production lines, reducing production scale, and shutting down cold repair production lines. It is expected that the growth of new production capacity in the next two years will remain within a reasonable range. At the same time, with the continuous recovery of demand, it is expected that the supply and demand balance will be maintained in a dynamic equilibrium.

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