
港股异动 | 新明中国(02699)复牌后高开逾266% 去年中期亏损同比收窄

Hong Kong stocks unusual movement | xinming china (02699) opened over 266% higher after resuming trading, with year-on-year narrowing losses in the first half of last year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 28, 2024 09:23

After resuming trading, xinming china (02699) opened more than 266%, as of the time of drafting, it rose by 266.67%, at 0.044 Hong Kong dollars, with a turnover of 0.1198 million Hong Kong dollars.

According to the Zhitong Finance APP, after resuming trading, xinming china (02699) opened more than 266%, as of the time of drafting, it rose by 266.67%, at 0.044 Hong Kong dollars, with a turnover of 0.1198 million Hong Kong dollars.

On the news front, xinming china issued an announcement, the board of directors happily informed the company's shareholders and investors that the company has achieved the resumption guidance issued by the Stock Exchange. Since all the conditions stipulated in the resumption guidance have been met, the company has applied to the Stock Exchange to resume trading of the company's shares starting from 9:00 am on October 28, 2024.

Previously, xinming china announced the interim performance for the six months ending June 30, 2023. The group achieved a profit of 0.233 billion yuan (same below in units), an increase of 905.75% year-on-year; the company's owners' losses amounted to 0.251 billion yuan, a decrease of 73.24% year-on-year; with a loss per share of 0.134 yuan.

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