somerley cap (08439) announced that the group expects to obtain...
The Zhitong Financial APP reported that somerley cap (08439) announced that the group expects to incur a post-tax loss of approximately 11.7 million Hong Kong dollars for the six months ending on September 30, 2024 (2023: approximately 0.9 million Hong Kong dollars). This includes non-cash expenses related to share-based payments of approximately 1.1 million Hong Kong dollars (2023: none) and impairment provisions recognized for trade receivables of approximately 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars (2023: approximately 0.1 million Hong Kong dollars). The estimated increase in post-tax loss is mainly due to the unfavorable business environment in the Hong Kong corporate finance market, leading to a decrease in revenue of approximately 8.4 million Hong Kong dollars, and an increase in impairment provisions recognized for trade receivables from a major debtor by approximately 2.4 million Hong Kong dollars.