
「機場城市」項目耗資約千億元建遊艇碼頭等設施 機管局承擔30%開支

The 'Airport City' project costs about hundreds of billions of dollars to build facilities such as yacht piers, with the airport authority bearing 30% of the expenses.

AASTOCKS ·  Oct 25, 2024 08:56

The Civil Aviation Administration announced the latest development blueprint for the 'Airport City' project yesterday (24th), planning to add multiple projects to attract high-end passengers, including the construction of a yacht terminal with immigration facilities, luxury hotels, an air transportation fresh market, etc. The entire project is estimated to cost about 100 billion yuan and is expected to be completed between 2029 and 2031.

The Civil Aviation Administration revealed that 30% of the project expenses will be borne by the Civil Aviation Administration. Excluding the previously financed part, they plan to issue bonds or refinance existing bonds for 8 to 10 billion yuan. The remaining balance will be for commercial and hotel projects, which will be invested by enterprises for construction and operation.

The Civil Aviation Administration added that the 'Airport City' blueprint includes the construction of a 'Yacht Harbour' providing 600 berths and supporting facilities, distributed at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port Artificial Island and the East Tung Chung reclamation area. It will be the largest yacht terminal in Hong Kong, with immigration facilities allowing passengers from the Greater Bay Area to drive yachts to Hong Kong. In addition, the authorities will also build a luxury hotel on Airport Island, add exclusive immigration services for first and business class VIP lounges, and the ongoing expansion of the commercial aviation center to handle private aircraft flights. (js/k)


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