
Perak Transit Wins KB Sentral Redevelopment Project

Business Today ·  Oct 24, 2024 19:13

Perak Transit Bhd (PTRANS) has received a letter of award (LOA) from the Kelantan state government for the Terminal Kota Bharu (KB) Sentral Development Project.

In a filing to Bursa Malaysia, PTRANS said the state authority, through the 19th/2024 meeting of the government council held on Oct 2, 2024, has decided to award/approve the construction of KB Sentral to PTRANS.

In line with the LOA, PTRANS would be appointing China Communications Construction Company as the main contractor for the project.

Details of the further conditions will be communicated to PTRANS by the state authority soon.

It was previously reported that the redevelopment of the KB Sentral terminal is expected to be completed by the end of 2026.

Kelantan menteri besar Ahmad Yakob said the project would commence soon on 2.02ha of land near Mukim Pendek.

He said the KB Sentral terminal would be adjacent to the proposed East Coast Rail Link project, expected to be ready by 2027.

It will be equipped with green technology, facilities for the disabled and have public facilities like a convention centre, public parking and a hotel.

Ahmad hoped KB Sentral would serve as a hub for a quality transport system for the Kelantanese.

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