
「銀海新星號」首度訪港停泊尖沙咀 海港城料今年海運碼頭接載旅客量按年升逾1倍

The silver marine transportation new star ship first visited Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong, and it is expected that the passenger volume at the Marine Transport Dock of Harbour City will more than double compared to last year.

AASTOCKS ·  Oct 24 11:12

The international cruise ship "Silver Ocean Star" with about 700 passengers on board made its first visit to Hong Kong, docking at the Tsim Sha Tsui Marine Transportation Terminal this morning (24th), and will stay in Hong Kong for two days and one night.

Ocean Terminal stated that this year there are 56 scheduled berthings at the marine transportation terminal, nearly double compared to last year; total berthing days increased by 180% to 150 days. In addition, the marine transportation terminal expects to receive over 0.034 million passengers this year, more than double the increase from last year.

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