

canon inc-spons adr electronics---significant rebound, significant increase in profit trend continues in the third quarter.

Fisco Japan ·  Oct 24, 2024 09:48

Canon Inc-Spons ADR <7739> sharply rebounded. The company announced its third-quarter financial results the previous day, with cumulative operating profit at 8.25 billion yen, a 78.8% increase year-on-year. The full-year plan remains at 9.25 billion yen, with progress at the level of 89.2%, a 1.2% increase from the previous year. It appears that components are being led by strong growth such as the increased revenue effect of laser scanner units. The certainty of an upward revision in full-year performance, combined with consensus expectations of an increase in year-end dividends, is expected to lead to a situation.

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