

Pork prices rise while costs decrease, leading to growth in the third-quarter performance of many breeding companies.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 24, 2024 09:13

Gelonghui October 24|Data shows that as of October 23, Wens Foodstuff Group, Shenzhen Kingsino Technology, and Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group, including 3 hog farming enterprises, have already disclosed their third-quarter reports for 2024, all delivering outstanding "report cards." Shanghai Ganglian E-Commerce Holdings Agricultural Products Division hog farming analyst Zhang Wenping stated that the performance improvement of hog farming enterprises is mainly due to the rise in pork prices and cost reduction in the third quarter. At the same time, leading enterprises have relatively effective cost control, and the decline in fodder costs plays an important role in driving enterprise profit growth. It is expected that with the conduct of some areas' curing activities in the fourth quarter, the demand will drive an increase in consumption, and pork prices will continue to remain within the profit space of hog farming enterprises.

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