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Huawei will hold the global ultra-wideband summit forum next week, and related sectors are expected to take advantage of the trend. ·  Oct 24, 2024 07:48

The 10th Global Ultra Broadband Summit Forum will be held in Istanbul, Turkey from October 31 to November 1. The summit forum is jointly organized by the United Nations Broadband Commission and Huawei. Huawei's executive director and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Business Management Committee, Wang Tao, stated that upgrading ultra broadband networks, accelerating the popularization and application of digital technology, will bring a significant increase in digital productivity.

The 10th Global Ultra Broadband Summit Forum will be held in Istanbul, Turkey from October 31 to November 1. The summit forum is jointly organized by the United Nations Broadband Commission and Huawei.

Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology is a wireless carrier communication technology, originally used in the military field. In 2002, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) of the USA approved its opening for civilian use. It is defined as a signal relative bandwidth not less than 0.2 or absolute bandwidth not less than 500MHz, and uses the 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz frequency band for communication. Compared to traditional Bluetooth, Ultra Wideband technology (UWB) has advantages in positioning accuracy, anti-interference capability, security, transmission speed, and power consumption. Huawei's executive director and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Business Management Committee, Wang Tao, stated that upgrading ultra broadband networks, accelerating the popularization and application of digital technology, will bring a significant increase in digital productivity.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Guangdong Shenglu Telecommunication Tech.'s main business includes civilian communications and military electronics, mastering key technologies such as microwave/millimeter wave, ultra-wideband up-conversion, active phased array, satellite communications, and more.

Changshu Tianyin Electromechanical's Xunxi Technology is mainly engaged in the research, production, and sales of ultra-wideband multi-channel signal acquisition storage playback and real-time processing, ultra-wideband real-time spectrum analysis and capture systems, and complex electromagnetic environment simulation systems.

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