

Research reports uncovering gold丨Guolian Securities: Steadily operated high dividend leading stocks, giving Zhejiang Supor a “buy” rating

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 23, 2024 16:00  · Ratings

Guolian's research reports pointed out that Zhejiang Supor (002032.SZ), relying on strong domestic sales strength, synergy with the global leading parent company, and effective governance mechanism, will still balance steady growth and operational quality in the future; assuming a dividend rate of 100% based on the past 2 years' dividend levels, the dividend yield will reach 5.5%. Compared with the leading companies in various sub-sectors of the household appliances industry and within the sector, Zhejiang Supor's growth rate, operational stability, and ROE are all significantly ahead. In addition, in the context of a slightly weak consumption environment in recent years, the company has continued to increase its dividend level, focusing on investor returns. Taking into account the company's stable operational attributes and relatively high dividend yield level, the initial coverage gives the company a "buy" rating.

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