
瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)表示,今年黄金市场会继续此前耀眼的表现,并认为投资者应持有更多黄金

Credit Suisse (Credit Suisse) said the gold market will continue its previous brilliant performance this year and believes that investors should hold more gold.

汇通网 ·  Jan 21, 2020 21:40

Credit Suisse(Credit Suisse) said the gold market will continue its previous dazzling performance this year and believes that investors should hold more gold.

① although the market is optimistic about the stock market and economic outlook in the short term, risk aversion will still be high this year, as trade problems, Brexit and concerns about the global economic slowdown still mean a lot of uncertainty.

The uncertainty of ② will cause most central banks around the world to cut interest rates, which is good for gold.

③ Magellan Financial Group also believes that investors should choose to hold gold. Hamish Douglass, chief investment officer of the agency, said gold is a good hedge against inflation and a good safe haven.

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