

As the lessor, zgc tec leasing (01601.HK) entered into a finance lease agreement.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 22, 2024 22:03

Glodon News Oct 22| ZGC Tec Leasing (01601.HK) announced that on October 22, 2024, (i) the company as the buyer entered into a purchase agreement XII with the supplier and lessee I, whereby the company purchased leasing assets XII from the supplier for RMB 26,749,428; and (ii) the company as the lessor entered into a financial leasing agreement XII with lessee I, whereby (including) the company leased leasing assets XII to lessee I for 36 months, with total leasing payments of approximately RMB 26,656,277, including financial leasing principal of RMB 24,000,000 and financial leasing interest income (including VAT) of approximately RMB 2,656,277.

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