
BHCC HOLDING(01552.HK):BHCC Projects与其他投标者签订投标前协议

bhcc holding(01552.HK): BHCC Projects signed a pre-bid agreement with other bidders.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 22, 2024 20:13

On October 22, Gelonghui BHCC HOLDING (01552.HK) announced that on October 22, 2024, its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary BHCC Projects, along with other bidders, jointly submitted a tender to the owner for leasing Singapore land for industrial business development. In accordance with the tender requirements, a bid security of not less than 5% of the bid price has been paid to the solicitor (including a BHCC guarantee of approximately 818,000 Singapore dollars). If the bid is accepted, the bid security will be part of the bid price; otherwise, if the bid is not successful, the bid security will be refunded to the bidder within a week after the bid is awarded.

Before paying the bid security, BHCC Projects signed a pre-bidding agreement with other bidders, including plans to jointly submit a bid and the intention to establish a joint venture company after the bid is accepted, which involves leasing and developing land for industrial business.

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