

zhejiang founder motor (002196.SZ) has been selected as a designated supplier for SAIC Volkswagen project.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 21, 2024 16:01

Zhejiang Founder Motor (002196.SZ) announced that the company recently received notification from a client and became a supplier of certain components such as drive motor rotors for SAIC Volkswagen.

According to the Zhitong Finance APP, Zhejiang Founder Motor (002196.SZ) has announced that the company recently received notification from a client and has become a supplier of components such as drive motor stator assemblies for SAIC Volkswagen (referred to as "SAIC Volkswagen"). The project is expected to start mass production and supply in the first quarter of 2025, with a total estimated demand of approximately 0.419 million units over its lifecycle.

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