

Volume change rate ranking (10:00) - TradeWorks, ABEJA, etc. ranked in.

Fisco Japan ·  Oct 21, 2024 09:37

In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.

Top Volume Change Rate [As of October 21, 10:32]

(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)

Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<2630>MXS American stock market.1762747185.941177.55%0.0045%
<5588>First A19510054398.48144.56%0.166%
<7185>Hirose Trading3370032011.2141.32%0.0161%
<133A>GX Extra Short Grain Rice14313543611.486100.82%-0.0029%
<8707>Iwai Cosmo8310080660.7487.09%0.0162%
<233A>iF IndiaN6723966396.7657.5%0.0024%
<2239>SP double leverage312033748.0136.83%0.0082%
<4974>Takara Bio140600111757.7231.66%0.0056%
<2156>Sailor Advertisements23658001372363.5220.74%0.1509%
<1542>Pure silver trust20961241210.77618.58%0.0451%

The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.

Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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