
汇创达(300909.SZ)实控人之一董芳梅及其一致行动人合计转让5.15%股份 总价1.64亿元

One of the controlling shareholders of shenzhen hui chuang da technology (300909.SZ), Dong Fangmei, and its concerted action parties collectively transferred 5.15% of the shares for a total price of 0.164 billion yuan.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 17, 2024 18:45

Shenzhen Hui Chuang Da Technology (300909.SZ) announced that on October 17, 2024, the company received actual control...

According to Zhuo Tong Finance APP, Shenzhen Hui Chuang Da Technology (300909.SZ) announced that on October 17, 2024, the company received a notice from Dong Fangmei, one of the actual controllers of the company, and her concerted action Ningbo Tongmu, informing that Dong Fangmei and Ningbo Tongmu signed a "Share Transfer Agreement" with Yunnan International Real Estate Investment Trust on October 17, 2024. Through the agreement transfer, a total of 8.9065 million shares of the company's unrestricted circulating shares were transferred at a price of RMB 18.42 per share to Yunnan International Real Estate Investment Trust, accounting for 5.15% of the current total share capital of the company. Among them, Dong Fangmei transferred 1,531,686 shares of the company's unrestricted circulating shares, accounting for 0.89% of the current total share capital of the company, and Ningbo Tongmu transferred 7,374,782 shares of the company's unrestricted circulating shares, accounting for 4.26% of the current total share capital of the company.

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