
港股异动 | 亚信科技(01675)午后涨超11% 亚信安全拟收购公司部分股权 完成后将成公司控股股东

Hong Kong stocks update | asiainfo tech (01675) rises more than 11% in the afternoon. Asiainfo Security plans to acquire partial equity of the company. After completion, it will become the controlling shareholder of the company.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 16, 2024 15:03

Asiainfo Tech (01675) surged over 11% in the afternoon, up 8.61% by the time of publication, at HK$5.3, with a turnover of HK$27.7179 million.

According to the Zhongtong Finance and Economics APP, Asiainfo Tech (01675) surged over 11% in the afternoon, up 8.61% by the time of publication, at HK$5.3, with a turnover of HK$27.7179 million.

On the news front, Asiainfo Cybersecurity recently announced its intention to acquire a portion of Asiainfo Tech's shares. The two parties will deepen cooperation in cybersecurity, 5G, cloud computing, and other areas, jointly providing comprehensive solutions for digital transformation and data security, further enhancing market competitiveness and driving long-term development. After this transaction is completed, Asiainfo Cybersecurity will become the controlling shareholder of Asiainfo Tech. It is worth noting that Tian Suning, the actual controller of Asiainfo Cybersecurity, is also the chairman and shareholder of Asiainfo Tech.

Haitong Securities previously released a research report stating that Asiainfo Tech has been deeply involved in the telecom BSS field for many years and continues to focus on three new businesses (intelligent operation, vertical industry, and OSS). Although the traditional BSS performance in the first half of the year was not ideal due to industry and external environment factors, with the deep implementation of the company's large-scale models in telecom operators in the second half of the year, performance will be effectively compensated to a certain extent. In addition, the company has provided annual profit guidance, with profits expected to rebound above 2023 levels.

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