

Listed companies related to the Spring Festival travel season, for those of you who are on your way home

富途资讯 ·  Jan 17, 2020 18:18  · Exclusive

Author: Travis

Editor's note: with more than a week to go, the Spring Festival, the most grand traditional festival of the Chinese people, is just around the corner. Historically, this time of year is not only a time for family reunion and family reunion, but also an opportunity for relatives and friends who have worked hard for a year to wish each other New year's greetings, leisure and entertainment, and spend as much as they like. From the perspective of investment, there will be a wave of "Spring Festival restlessness" during the Spring Festival holiday every year, with holiday tourism, festival consumption, Spring Festival transportation, leisure and entertainment and other main lines running through the whole process. Investors who are good at seizing opportunities can often be keenly laid out in advance, so as to obtain excess returns from "Spring Festival restlessness".

Maybe you are on your way home, maybe you will prepare to go home. With the arrival of the Spring Festival, this country will stage a unique "human migration journey" in the world. This article will describe the magnificence of Spring Festival travel and see what related listed companies are available.

In the face of the coming Spring Festival, countless people who leave their homes and work hard have to embark on the same road-the way home!

Spring Festival travel, the world's unique "human migration", is being staged all over the country, sending nearly 3 billion passengers in just 40 days, including railways, roads, flights and ships.

There is no second country on earth that can carry such a large capacity!

The rapid development of China is using faster high-speed trains, wider highways and more flights to send all the people eager for reunion to their hometown all over the country.


Motortown returning army, among them, the consignment of dogs source: public information

I. faster high-speed rail

1. Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway is strongly listed on the occasion of Spring Festival travel.

On the 16th of this month, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway was listed, and the "most profitable high-speed rail" rose 43.24% on the day of its launch, with the highest intraday price reaching 6.99 yuan, triggering a temporary suspension.

Why is it the "most profitable high-speed rail"?

The company has made profits for five consecutive years since 2014, with an operating income of 31.158 billion yuan in 2018, an increase of 5.42 percent over the same period last year, and a net profit of 10.248 billion yuan, an increase of 13.19 percent over the same period last year.

Revenue in 2019 is expected to reach 31.5 billion yuan to 33 billion yuan, an increase of 1.10% over the same period last year, and net profit is 11 billion yuan to 12 billion yuan, an increase of 7.34% and 17.10% over the same period last year.

The amount of money raised by the company's IPO reached 30.674 billion yuan, ranking ninth in the history of A-share fund-raising, with a price-to-earnings ratio of 23.39 times and breaking through the "red line" of 23 times the price-to-earnings ratio of IPO on the A-share motherboard.

From the declaration materials on October 22, 2019, on November 14, it took only 23 days, setting a record for the fastest passing of A-shares. To be listed on January 16, it took only 86 days, and a series of operations can be said to bring the speed of high-speed rail to the capital market.

Why is the whole market so flocking to the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway?


Source: Futu Niuniu

2. The opening of high-speed rail cars shortens the distance of space.

During the Spring Festival transportation in 2020, the national railway passenger volume is expected to reach 440 million, which is almost six times that of civil aviation. By the end of 2019, the operating mileage of China's high-speed railway has reached 35000 km. The future "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed rail network will connect major cities and regions across the country.


Source: medium-and long-term Railway Network Planning (2016), Planet Research Institute

Looking back on the green trains many years ago, the average speed was less than 50 kilometers per hour, and even the key trunk line from Beijing to Shanghai took nearly 17 hours.

Fortunately, after seven years of five major railway speed increases, the maximum speed of passenger trains was raised to 200 kilometers per hour, and it took less than 13 hours from Beijing to Shanghai. After the opening of the high-speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai, the trip was shortened to less than five hours, making the crowded carriages and endless noodles gradually become people's memories.

Only in terms of time, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway and even the entire high-speed rail network deserve the attention of the capital market.

Secondly, the EMU traffic volume will also exceed 270 million this year. Among them, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway, as a landmark section of the Dawan area, has a large number of passengers commuting between Shenzhen and Guangzhou every year, with abundant cash flow, and is the leader in railway passenger transport based in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.


High-speed railway and ordinary railway carry more than 3 billion passengers in the whole year, which is equivalent to carrying more than two Chinese people. With the increasing railway capacity, the passenger volume of the Spring Festival railway is also increasing every year. With the planning and construction of the railway network in the future, it is believed that our spatial distance will be further compressed.

Second, wider highways

In the wave of Spring Festival transportation, the largest transport volume is actually not railways, but highways. In a short period of 40 days, about 2.43 billion passengers were transported, accounting for 81.2% of the total passenger volume of the Spring Festival.

In China, the railway mileage is about 139000 km, which can circle the equator about 3.5 times, while the road mileage is nearly 4.85 million km, which can circle the equator more than 120 times.


Source: national Highway Network Planning (2013-2030), Planet Institute

1. The construction of highway network promotes the development of logistics and transportation, and is an important guarantee for the rapid development of economy.

It is said that the rapid development of China's economy in recent years is inseparable from the decline of logistics costs, and the biggest infrastructure of logistics is the highway.

In the early days, the traffic capacity of the ordinary highway with mixed traffic was very weak: the average daily traffic volume of the two-lane secondary highway was no more than 15000 vehicles.

In the face of the rapid development of economy and the heavy pressure of transportation and logistics, it is imperative to build a wider and faster highway.


Source: opinions on doing a good job of Spring Festival Transportation in 2020, Planet Research Institute

2. 7918 highway network to promote the economic development of our country

At the end of 1997, 27 provinces across the country achieved a "zero breakthrough" in expressways; four years later, the mileage of expressways in China ranked second in the world, with nearly 1.3 billion passengers during the Spring Festival travel period alone.

In 2004, the national highway network planning was officially announced: a total of 7 radiation lines from the capital from Beijing, clockwise numbered G1murG9 from due north, 9 north-south longitudinal lines running through the country, route number is 2-digit odd, interval G11Lue G89, 18 east-west horizontal lines, route number is 2-digit even, interval G10-G90.

Together, they formed a highway network known as "7918". Today, these "highest-grade highways" bear twice the traffic volume of ordinary national highways with equal mileage.

In the future, two more north-south longitudinal lines will be added to the national highway network, closely connecting all cities with a population of more than 200000.


Source: opinions on doing a good job of Spring Festival Transportation in 2020, Planet Research Institute

Third, the Futu Niuniu railway and highway plate will help you control the real-time market.

The Futuo Niuniu client market in Hong Kong provides a "railway and highway" section, which covers relevant companies listed in Hong Kong, such as the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway above.


Source: Futu Niuniu

Shenzhen Expressway is the first H-share listed company in Shenzhen, which mainly operates expressways in Guangdong Province, including Meiguan Expressway, Machine-load Expressway, Salt Dam Expressway, Salt Pai Expressway, Nanguang Expressway, Shuiguan Expressway, Qinglian Expressway and Yangmao Expressway.


Four, more flights

In addition to roads and railways, a more common way to return home is by plane.

During the Spring Festival travel period, 235 airports across the country, large and small, will jointly send about 79 million passengers, accounting for 2.6 percent of the total passenger traffic during the Spring Festival travel period.


Source: Futu Niuniu

1. Although the total passenger volume of civil aviation is small, it is growing rapidly.

Since 2015, the number of civil transport airports in the country has increased from 210 to 235 in just three years, equivalent to the rise of eight new airports every year; the number of domestic routes has increased by more than 50 percent, with an average of more than 500 new routes each year; passenger trips have climbed from less than 400 million in the whole year to 548 million, with an average annual growth rate of 11 percent.


Source: planetary Research Institute

2. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, three poles of civil aviation.

Similarly, the law of 28, which we are familiar with, also applies to the civil aviation industry. throughout the country, about 84% of the passenger throughput is concentrated in 16% of the airports, with more than 10 million passengers in the whole year.

Beijing Capital International Airport

The annual throughput has been the second largest in the world for nine consecutive years, and it is expected that during the Spring Festival travel season this year, the average daily flight volume will reach 1624, equivalent to one aircraft taking off and landing every 53 seconds, ranking first in the country.


Shanghai Pudong International Airport

After ranking the Capital Airport, it is expected to fly 1475 takeoffs and landings every day; its proportion of international flights is as high as 44%, ranking first in the country.


Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

During the Spring Festival, the average daily flight volume of 1405 sorties is almost on a par with Pudong Airport.



Looking back on the development of China's highway and railway civil aviation, its rising mileage is just like the growing economy.

This year, the Ministry of Transport expects the Spring Festival transportation to last 40 days, with overall, railway and civil aviation growth rates of 0.7%, 8.2% and 8.4%, respectively.

Due to the early Spring Festival this year, it is expected that there will be a superposition of student flow, labor flow and family visit flow before the festival, and the growth rate of tourists before the festival is expected to be significantly faster than the overall growth rate of 40 days.

In the future, with the operation of Beijing Daxing International Airport and the completion of the high-speed railway to Xinjiang, faster, wider and more roads, railways and civil aviation will guarantee everyone's travel.

Rich but not rich, go home for the Spring Festival, you are on your way home, have a safe journey.

Reference: planetary Research Institute "go home!" "

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