

Win Hanverky (03322.HK)'s high-end fashion retail business saw a 36% increase in overall earnings last quarter.

AASTOCKS ·  Oct 15, 2024 16:37

Win Hanverky (03322.HK) announced that the direct-operated physical stores of the luxury fashion retail business saw a decrease of about 18% and 22% in same-store sales in the third quarter of this year and year-to-date, respectively. The overall revenue growth rates of the luxury fashion retail business in the third quarter of this year and year-to-date were approximately 36% and 3%, respectively. In the second half of this year, the luxury fashion retail business introduced a franchise-operated store model for a rapidly growing brand. The overall revenue growth rate in the third quarter showed significant increase, mainly driven by the wholesale revenue to the brand's franchisee.

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