

Aidoma HD---announces solid performance for the 24th fiscal year ending in August amidst intense competition.

Fisco Japan ·  Oct 15, 2024 12:01

Stalemate. After announcing the performance for the fiscal year ending August 2024 at the end of trading on the 11th, it started to rise and then became a stalemate. The revenue was 10.618 billion yen (+17.2% year-on-year), operating profit was 2.468 billion yen (+11.7% year-on-year), and ordinary profit was 2.468 billion yen (+11.0% year-on-year), showing a solid performance. It has received orders from many small and medium-sized enterprises that require online sales methods in the environment where remote work has become established, primarily focusing on its main service, the Sales Platform Service, and actively promoting the expansion of Work Innovation Business.

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