
东软教育(09616):三所大学已全部开学 并已完成2024/2025学年新生的录取及报到工作

Neuedu (09616): All three universities have already started classes and have completed the admission and registration work for the 2024/2025 academic year freshmen.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 13, 2024 18:08

Neuedu (09616) announced that the group's three universities, namely Dalian Neusoft Institute, Chengdu Neusoft College, and...

According to the Zhitong Finance APP, Neuedu (09616) announced that the group's three universities, namely Dalian Neusoft Institute, Chengdu Neusoft College, and Guangdong Neusoft College, have all started classes and have completed the enrollment and registration work for the 2024/2025 academic year.

The number of new students in the three universities has increased from 18,056 in the 2023/2024 academic year (as of September 26, 2023) to 18,294 in the 2024/2025 academic year (as of October 10, 2024), representing a growth of approximately 1.3%. After the registration of new students, the number of current students in the three schools has further increased.

Due to campus capacity limitations, the number of current students in Chengdu College and Guangdong College has slightly decreased in the 2024/2025 academic year. However, the overall number of current students in the three universities continues to grow, with the comprehensive campus utilization rate of the three universities currently at approximately 96.2%. The board of directors believes that the further growth in the number of newly enrolled students and current students in the group is mainly due to the following reasons:

(i) The sharp increase in demand from various industries for high-quality talents with interdisciplinary, digital, innovative, and practical skills; and

(ii) The group's professional settings closely aligned with social demands, consistently excellent teaching quality, application-oriented teaching methods, and distinctive educational approaches have been widely recognized by students and parents.

In the field of full-time higher education services, the company will continue to focus on improving quality and excellence, focusing on the advantageous professional clusters of 'IT+digital media+intelligent health care', enhancing first-class professional development, while continuing to strengthen application-oriented teaching, deepen industry-education integration, establish high-quality student practical training bases, in order to attract and enroll more high-quality students.

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