

BANK OZK 4.625% SERIES A NON-CUM PERP PFD STOCK (OZKAP.US) will release its financial report after the market closes on October 17th.

Futu News ·  Oct 11, 2024 21:00

$BANK OZK 4.625% SERIES A NON-CUM PERP PFD STOCK (OZKAP.US)$The financial report will be released after the market closes on October 17th. Investors are kindly requested to pay attention.

How was the performance before?

$BANK OZK 4.625% SERIES A NON-CUM PERP PFD STOCK (OZKAP.US)$Revenue of $0.416776 billion and net income of $0.177535 billion in Q2 2024.

Revenue of $0.389851 billion and net income of $0.17383 billion in Q3 2023.

The above data is based on the US_GAAP accounting standards.

Futubull Reminder:

1. The accounting year of Hong Kong stocks and U.S. listed companies is not rigidly defined, and is completely decided by the company itself, so each financial report period can be the deadline for the company's annual report, without using the natural year as the financial year.

2. Generally, the company will hold a financial report meeting on the above-mentioned financial report release date or near the date. The company's management will then discuss and explain the latest quarterly financial data and operational situation with investors, analysts, media, etc., and communicate through offline meetings or online conference calls, etc.

Investors can participate through offline meetings or online conference calls.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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