
美股前瞻 | 今夜聚焦!美联储会议纪要携官员密集讲话来袭;三大期指盘前普跌,英伟达续涨超1%,中概股继续回落

Preview of US stocks | Focus tonight! The minutes of the Fed meeting with a series of official speeches are coming; the three major futures are generally down before the market, nvidia continues to rise by more than 1%, and Chinese concept stocks continue

Futu News ·  20:27

Hot news

  • Pre-market trading on Wednesday, the three major equity index futures all fell.

Growth tech stocks showed mixed movements in pre-market trading. $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$Please use your Futubull account to access the feature.$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$Please use your Futubull account to access the feature.$Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM.US)$ Rose by about 1%, $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ Slightly declined.

China concept stocks trended down before the market, $Alibaba (BABA.US)$ pdd holdings $PDD Holdings (PDD.US)$ fell by more than 3%, $NetEase (NTES.US)$ Dropped more than 5%.

Overseas listed China ETF retracement,$Direxion Daily FTSE China Bull 3X Shares ETF (YINN.US)$Pre-market trading dropped more than 6%,$Direxion Daily FTSE China Bear 3X Shares ETF (YANG.US)$Pre-market trading rose more than 8%.

  • Can nvidia continue to go crazy? After approaching historical highs with a "five consecutive rise", Wall Street still has a bullish sentiment!

在经历一波“五连涨”后, $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ 的股价在不经意间又攀升到了历史高点附近。与此同时,华尔街也看涨声一片:华尔街认为,对英伟达盈利潜力至关重要的是即将推出的Blackwell芯片,该产品预计将在截至明年1月份的财季中做出显著贡献。英伟达预计这一产品线在该季度将带来“数十亿美元”的收入,而华尔街的预测大约为4 billion美元。

  • AI芯片保持强劲需求!台积电Q3营收超预期大增39%

$Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM.US)$ 今日公布2024年9月营收报告。2024年9月合并营收约为新台币251.873 billion元,较上月增加0.4%,仅次于7月创下的256.953 billion元新台币最高纪录,较去年同期增加39.6%。第3季营收达759.693 billion元新台币,优于预期,季增12.8%,并创下单季新高。前三季度营收约为新台币2025.847 billion元,较去年同期增加31.9%。

  • Roundhill CEO:“中国龙ETF”精准布局中国九大科技巨头,对中国科技行业的未来充满信心

据媒体,Roundhill Investments首席执行官Dave Mazza表示,“中国龙ETF”专注于中国九大科技巨头( $MEITUAN-W (03690.HK)$Please use your Futubull account to access the feature.$XIAOMI-W (01810.HK)$Please use your Futubull account to access the feature.$BYD COMPANY (01211.HK)$Please use your Futubull account to access the feature.$ (JD.US)$Please use your Futubull account to access the feature.$TENCENT (00700.HK)$N/A.$PDD Holdings (PDD.US)$,$NetEase (NTES.US)$,$Alibaba (BABA.US)$,$Baidu (BIDU.US)$Attracting wide market attention with a strategy of balanced allocation, providing investors with precise investment opportunities in Chinese technology stocks.

  • The U.S. Department of Justice is considering proposing that Google be forced to sell part of its business.

According to the media, the U.S. Department of Justice is considering a breakup. $Alphabet-A (GOOGL.US)$ As a remedial measure in an antitrust case, Google indicated that the Justice Department's breakup proposal could harm consumers and businesses. The Justice Department is considering proposing that Google be forced to sell part of its business to alleviate the harm to the monopolized network search market. Antitrust enforcers stated in court documents that judges can also compel the company to provide access to its basic data used to build search results and AI products.

  • WW International surged over 43% in pre-market trading, with the company adding new product offerings.

Provider of weight loss solutions. $WW International (WW.US)$ 盘前继续大涨43%报1.566元,昨日大幅飙涨近47%。消息上,该公司已将复合司美格鲁肽添加到其减肥方案中,为符合条件的会员提供增强型临床体重管理产品。

  • 百度计划在中国境外推出无人驾驶出租车服务

据媒体,随着自动驾驶汽车商业化竞争的白热化,中国互联网巨头 $Baidu (BIDU.US)$ 计划在中国以外地区推出机器人出租车服务萝卜快跑(Apollo Go)。百度此举正值美国特斯拉准备在本周推出其机器人出租车Robotaxi之际,其他中国企业也盯上了海外市场,希望在自动驾驶汽车的竞争中拔得头筹,消息称中国自动驾驶企业小马智行(和文远知行(WeRide)也正在关注海外市场。

  • 高盛:预期哔哩哔哩盈利增长应可持续,将于2026年前实现10至15%净利润率

高盛发表报告指,自9月26上调哔哩哔哩 $Bilibili (BILI.US)$ Investors' concerns have mainly focused on the sustainability of 'Three Kingdoms: The World Will Be Determined,' the expectations for third and fourth quarter game revenue; the company's execution and monetization capabilities in the video platform and advertising business; and the company's long-term profit level and fair valuation in a volatile market environment. Goldman Sachs pointed out that Bilibili's stock price has been volatile recently, with a 50% increase in the past two weeks, despite two recent days of decline, with the expected sustainable profit growth from the third quarter onwards as the company improves its business mix, and aiming to achieve a net income margin of 10-15% by 2026.

  • Nvidia's stock price hit a three-month high, with call options rising nearly threefold.

$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ Up another 4% overnight, accumulating a total increase of 13.58% in the past five trading days, reaching a three-month high, with a call ratio of 66.5%.

On the options chain, the most traded option is the call expiring this Friday with a strike price of $131, with a trading volume of 0.211 million contracts, and also the largest open interest of 0.1265 million contracts. Holding multiple calls expiring this Friday has yielded returns of over 2 times, with the $139 strike call expiring this Friday earning a massive 283%.

Global macro

  • The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting are coming with intensive speeches by officials.

Several senior officials of the Federal Reserve will give speeches, including the 2024 FOMC voter, Richmond Fed President Barkin, and the 2024 FOMC voter, San Francisco Fed President Daly; In addition, the minutes of the Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting will be released at 2:00 am Beijing time the next day, which may provide more details on the future direction of monetary policy.

  • The third quarter earnings season for the US stock market is about to hit! But will the market not be "too high" this time?

Some of the largest banks in the United States will release quarterly earnings on Friday, marking the official start of the third quarter earnings season. Wall Street expects earnings to grow by 4.7%, marking the fifth consecutive quarter of growth since the same period last year, but the slowest year-on-year growth since the fourth quarter of 2023. Given that stocks have risen above normal levels between earnings seasons, Deutsche Bank's chief stock strategist Binky Chadha does not expect the S&P 500 index to show the typical 2% increase in the first four weeks before earnings are announced.

  • Confirmed! The highly anticipated press conference of the Ministry of Finance will take place on Saturday at 10 a.m.

After the stock market rises rapidly, a new round of incremental policies is expected to be further implemented. At noon on Wednesday, October 9, the State Council Information Office released a preview, stating that on October 12, 2024 (Saturday) at 10 a.m., a press conference will be held to introduce Minister of Finance Lian Zhisun regarding the "intensification of countercyclical adjustments in fiscal policies and promoting high-quality economic development" and to answer questions from reporters.

  • "Global asset pricing anchor" screams! Are US bond bears sounding the assembly call?

With the 10-year US Treasury bond yield, known as the "global asset pricing anchor," re-entering the 4% level this week, more and more traders are starting to worry that the US Treasury market will further unwind its earlier gains this year, as they expect the Fed to cut rates more slowly before the end of the year. Market data shows that after rising for several consecutive days, although overnight yields have slightly retreated, the benchmark 10-year US Treasury bond yield is still firmly above the 4% level, touching a 10-week high of 4.057% intraday.

  • Goldman Sachs: Geopolitical risk premium indicators have slightly declined, oil prices are expected to stabilize this quarter.

Goldman Sachs' report on Tuesday, October 8, pointed out that the geopolitical risk premium indicator in the oil market has slightly retreated this week; the bank believes that oil prices may stabilize near current levels this quarter without major disruptions; however, Goldman Sachs still expects Brent crude prices to rise $10 to $20 per barrel from current levels in the future.

  • Stock trading hours extended by 30 minutes! Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan announced

Tokyo Stock Exchange recently announced that starting from November 5, trading hours will be extended by 30 minutes as planned to enhance market efficiency and competitiveness. The exchange mentioned that a rehearsal will be held on November 3, and around 6:30 PM Japan time on November 3, confirmation will be made on the Japan Exchange Group website that everything is proceeding as scheduled.

Bilibili rose more than 3% pre-market trading and was upgraded to "buy" by UBS, which raised its EPS estimate per share.

Reminder for US Macro Events

(All in Peking Time)

At 21:15 in 2026, FOMC voter and Dallas Fed President Logan delivered a speech on the current economic situation.

By 22:30, the EIA crude oil inventory changes for the week ending October 4th in the USA.

At 23:00, the US October IPSOS Major Consumer Sentiment Index PCSI.

At 00:15 the next day in 2024, FOMC voter and Richmond Fed President Balkin delivered a speech.

At 00:30 the next day, Vice President Jefferson of the Federal Reserve spoke.

At 02:00 the next day, the Federal Reserve released the minutes of the monetary policy meeting.

At 05:00 the next day in 2025, FOMC voter and Boston Fed President Collins delivered a speech.

At 06:00 the next day in 2024, FOMC voter and San Francisco Fed President Daly delivered a speech.


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