

Multiple commercial banks have followed up on adjusting the starting purchase point for the accumulated fund, with china everbright bank raising it to 700 yuan as of yesterday, and seven national banks have taken action in the past half month. ·  Oct 9 15:07

Recently, China Everbright Bank issued an official statement stating that starting from the morning of October 8, the minimum investment amount for individual regular investment in gold accumulation business will be adjusted from 600 yuan to 700 yuan.

On October 9, Financial Associated Press (Reporter Peng Kefeng) Gold prices continue to rise, and related businesses of banks are inevitably affected.

Recently, China Everbright Bank issued an official statement stating that starting from the morning of October 8, the minimum investment amount for individual regular investment in gold accumulation business will be adjusted from 600 yuan to 700 yuan. Today, according to the reporter's statistics, about seven state-owned large banks and commercial banks have successively raised the minimum investment amount for gold accumulation, with all banks except Agricultural Bank of China raising it to 650 yuan or 700 yuan.

In response to this, Yu Zhi, a researcher at the Use Trust Research Institute, told the Financial Associated Press that the banks' increase in the minimum gold accumulation investment amount is closely related to the recent continuous surge in international gold prices. Domestic gold prices have risen by over 100 yuan per gram this year, and more banks may follow suit in the future.

Commercial banks join the trend of adjusting the minimum investment amount, with China Everbright Bank raising it to 700 yuan starting yesterday.

China Everbright Bank announced on its official website that, in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements for gold accumulation business, it will adjust the individual gold accumulation business to adapt to market changes.

Specifically, starting from 9:30 on October 8, 2024 Beijing time, China Everbright Bank will adjust the minimum investment amount for individual regular investment in gold accumulation business from 600 yuan to 700 yuan, while the additional amount will remain in multiples of 100 yuan. The previously signed regular investment agreements will continue to be executed without any impact, and the newly initiated agreements must meet the bank's latest starting point requirements after the adjustment.

"We will continue to monitor changes in the gold market and adjust the above starting amount in a timely manner, with specific adjustments to be announced separately through our official website and other channels," China Everbright Bank concluded.

Today, the journalist found that the morning price of "Shanghai Gold" linked to the bank's accumulated gold business at the Shanghai Gold Exchange was 589.58 yuan per gram. In comparison, the 700 yuan starting point is significantly higher than the latest domestic gold price, while the previous 600 yuan starting point of China Everbright Bank is clearly close to the current gold price.

It is worth noting that this is the second adjustment of the China Everbright Bank's gold accumulation starting point within the year. On April 18, China Everbright Bank issued a statement that starting from 9:30 on April 26, the starting amount for regular investment in the bank's gold accumulation individual business was adjusted from 500 yuan to 600 yuan.

In the past half month, three state-owned major banks and four joint-stock banks have adjusted their gold accumulation business.

In September this year, the international gold price has continuously hit historical highs, and the domestic gold price has also been on the rise. Affected by this, on September 18, the Agricultural Bank of China became the first bank to announce an increase in the gold accumulation starting point in this round of soaring gold prices. On that day, the Agricultural Bank released a statement adjusting the purchase starting point of their Pro-Gold Communication No. 2 to fluctuate with the gold price.

A week later, several major state-owned banks successively followed suit. On September 25, China Construction Bank announced that starting from the 27th, the regular gold accumulation starting amount for individual customers would be raised from 600 yuan to 700 yuan. Bank of China issued a notice stating that starting from the 27th, the minimum purchase amount for purchasing gold or creating a regular investment plan has been adjusted from 600 yuan to 650 yuan.

Today, the journalist found that after the three major state-owned banks, many joint-stock banks have followed suit recently. Before the National Day holiday, the Industrial Bank took the lead in announcing that starting from September 24, the bank plans to adjust the purchase starting amount for the current and regular gold accumulation business transactions by amount. The specific adjustments are as follows: for transactions by amount, the starting point for single purchase and new regular investment purchase will be increased from 600 yuan to 700 yuan; for transactions by weight, the starting point for single purchase and new regular investment purchase will remain at 1 gram.

China Zheshang Bank also stated that starting from 9:00 on September 25, the cumulative monthly fixed investment starting amount for its Wealth Gold accumulation product (including monthly, weekly, and daily fixed investment) will be raised from 600 yuan to 650 yuan (calculated based on 20 fixed investment days per month, and 4 fixed investment weeks), meaning that the monthly fixed investment per period should not be less than 650 yuan, the weekly fixed investment per period should not be less than 162.5 yuan, and the daily fixed investment per period should not be less than 32.5 yuan. Existing fixed investment plans set before the adjustment will continue to be implemented without any impact.

Subsequently, CM Bank announced that starting from September 30, 2024, the minimum buy-in point for gold account transactions and the starting point for gold account regular investment will be adjusted from 1 gram/600 yuan to 1 gram/650 yuan. Existing successfully set regular investment plans (including regular and Asia Vets) before the adjustment will continue to be implemented without any impact. Newly launched investment plans after the adjustment must meet the bank's latest starting requirements.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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