
低空经济就业人才缺口或达百万 机构建议关注后续板块行情

The shortage of low-altitude economic employment talents may reach one million. Institutions suggest paying attention to the subsequent sector market. ·  Oct 9 08:21

Li Chunlin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, stated, "For example, the booming development of the low-altitude economy has led to the emergence of a new position - drone operator. According to relevant departments' calculations, the current employment gap for this position in China is as high as 1 million people."

At the press conference held by the State Council Information Office on October 8th, Li Chunlin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in response to employment issues that the new economic model will also generate new employment demand. "For example, the vigorous development of the low-altitude economy has created a new position like a drone operator. According to relevant departments' estimates, the employment talent gap for this position in China is as high as one million people."

As a new quality factor of production and an engine for economic growth, local governments across the country attach great importance to the cultivation of the low-altitude economy, and industry planning continues to be implemented. Open Source Securities research report pointed out that the low-altitude economy is expected to see vertical acceleration from the macro level (national industrial planning) to the meso level (local government subsidies) and then to the micro level (infrastructure bidding, application scenario development), suggesting focusing on the follow-up sector trends of the low-altitude economy.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

China Zhonghua Geotechnical Engineering Group has made significant progress and is maturing in its business aspects such as aerial tours, pilot training, and aviation service support in the low-altitude economy.

JSTI Group and the leading domestic drone manufacturer and flight control field leader Shenzhen jointly held a signing ceremony to establish a joint venture company that will build five capabilities: integrated applications, infrastructure facilitation, airspace intelligence linkage, detection certification (safety), and low-altitude training.

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