
新致软件拟定增募资不超3亿元 实控人及其控制企业全额认购

Shanghai NewTouch Software plans to raise funds not exceeding 0.3 billion yuan, with the controlling shareholder and its controlled companies subscribing in full. ·  Oct 8 23:40

①This private placement will be used to supplement working capital and repay loans. Shanghai Newtouch Software stated that this is mainly to meet the needs of the company's development, business scale, and revenue growth. ②As of September 30, before this issuance, Guo Wei directly and indirectly controlled 29.4963% of the company's total share capital. Qianyao Jiasheng is an enterprise controlled by Guo Wei, holding 85% of the shares.

"Science and Technology Board Daily" news on October 8th (by reporter Qiu Siyu), this evening (October 8th), Shanghai Newtouch Software announced that it plans to raise funds by private placement not exceeding 0.3 billion yuan, and the net proceeds after deducting related issuance expenses are all intended to be used to supplement working capital and repay loans.

The announcement shows that the specific issuers of this stock issuance are Guo Wei and Qianyao Jiasheng. Guo Wei is the actual controller of the company, while Qianyao Jiasheng is an enterprise controlled by the actual controller Guo Wei, with an issue price of 9.63 yuan per share.

A securities industry professional told the reporter of "Science and Technology Board Daily": "Raising funds through private placement to the actual controller is usually seen as an expression of optimism and confidence in the company's future development. In addition, the actual controller can acquire more shares through private placement, thereby further consolidating their control in the company."

Shanghai Newtouch Software also clearly stated in the announcement that the company's actual controller, Guo Wei, and the enterprise controlled by him, Qianyao Jiasheng, will subscribe to the entire private placement this time, demonstrating determination to support the company and confidence in its future development, which is beneficial for ensuring the company's operations to continue stably and healthily.

Regarding control rights, as of September 30, before this issuance, Guo Wei directly and indirectly controlled 29.4963% of the total share capital of the company through pre-communications and middle management.

Qianyao Jiasheng is an enterprise controlled by Guo Wei, established in 2024. Guo Wei holds 85% of the shares, while Guo Xiaoyang holds 15%. Guo Wei and Guo Xiaoyang have a father-son relationship.

This private placement will be used to supplement working capital and repay loans. Shanghai Newtouch Software stated that this is mainly to meet the needs of the company's development, business scale, and revenue growth.

Shanghai Newtouch Software's main business is providing technology services to insurance companies, banks, financial institutions, and other industry end customers, engaging in software development services including consulting, planning, design, development, and operation.

Regarding the financial situation, the data shows that as of the end of the reporting periods in 2021, 2022, 2023, and the first half of 2024, Shanghai Newtouch Software's asset-liability ratios were 35.55%, 40.38%, 40.93%, and 48.39% respectively. The net cash flows from operating activities were -10.609 million yuan, -0.128 billion yuan, 85.9432 million yuan, and -2.82 billion yuan, respectively.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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