In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
Top changes in volume [As of October 8th, 9:32]
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<9235> Sell Well Ne 399,600 107,185.08 312.52% 0.1445%
<8699> HSHD 221,600 42,799.94 166.63% -0.0074%
<179A> GX Super Rice H 437,040 47,265.88 105.76% -0.0085%
<7362> T.S.I 77,800 40,828.878 73.86% 0.0354%
<1475> iSTOPIX 2116880 35444.18 72.15% -0.0092%
<3186> Nextage 1705400 430247.72 58.39% -0.1742%
<5892> Yutori 168300 1321957.64 52.45% 0.0682%
<2247> iF500H Wu 7281 253353.64 50.94% -0.01%
<190A> Chordia 2945400 70352.032 49.69% 0.0742%
<4992> Hokko 142900 525759.36 41.79% -0.0848%
<2568> Listed NSQ 46650 98913.04 41.26% -0.0115%
<9704> Agora HG 1671200 146160.514 34.92% 0.0638%
Wellesley HD 1089700 64491.04 33.31% -0.0626%
Shopping 3179 299500 1386483 31.79% -0.1005%
Life Corporation 8194 147200 230928.4 25.69% -0.0929%
Wakita 8125 72800 352765.1 21.74% -0.0577%
NF Overseas Bonds 2511 28880 97118.78 18.94% -0.005%
Create SDH 3148 102000 43196.682 16.17% -0.0246%
IDOM 7599 324000 252932.6 11.44% -0.0603%
Gold Cred 8871 46000 278641.46 9.89% -0.068%
<1882> East Asia Road 94400 123432 9.18% -0.0596%
<5449> Osaka Steel 59300 106287.22 9.05% -0.0676%
<2840> iFNAS100 5258 168753.5 8.14% -0.0125%
<213A> Jounikkehan 227070 141405.939 7.57% -0.0013%
<6557> AIAI 75800 34267.175 5.75% 0.0504%
<2248> iF500Hav 5452 124375.66 3.89% -0.0069%
<8890> Raceum 140900 212757.074 1.14% -0.0016%
<4714> Liso Mainland Education 305700 812049.8 1.1% 0.0038%
<7226> Kyokuto Kai 118,100 79,779 0.17% -0.0568%
<6420> Fukushima Garire 28,900 290,363.38 -3.52% 0.0695%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.