
特斯拉变“抠”:充电站涨价 将加收空调和取暖费

Tesla, Inc. becomes stingy: the increase in the price of charging stations will charge more for air conditioning and heating.

36氪 ·  Jan 14, 2020 13:54

Original title: frontline Tesla, Inc.Become stingy: when the price of charging stations increases, air conditioning and heating charges will be added.

Tesla, Inc. has become "stingy". In addition to the previous announcement of an increase in car flow charges, according to Electrek, Tesla, Inc. recently updated the charging policy for super charging piles, increasing the cost of electricity other than battery charging, such as battery heaters and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems. Previously, these expenses were handled by Tesla, Inc., and the car owner only had to pay the electricity bill at the overcharging station and did not have to pay the charging pile service fee like other external charging piles.

The expansion of the global delivery scale of Model 3 also puts forward high requirements for the density and charging efficiency of its charging stations. Earlier, according to a video uploaded by netizens on Thanksgiving, there was a long queue near a super-charging pile in San Luis Obispo, California, where car owners had to wait for hours to get a chance to recharge.

Tesla, Inc. is also solving charging anxiety by increasing the number of overcharged piles, improving charging efficiency and connecting to third-party charging piles.

According to previous plans, Tesla, Inc. will install 18000 super-charging piles in 2018, but the construction cost is so high that it is very difficult to rely on car sales subsidies to lay piles, a goal that has not been achieved until the end of 2019. China, as its most important market, so far, Tesla, Inc. supercharging stations have covered 140 + cities in China, and the number of super charging piles has exceeded 2300. Tesla, Inc. expects to add 4,000 new super charging piles in Chinese mainland area in 2020.

The additional charges in addition to the electricity charges for car batteries are also aimed at tightening losses. Tesla, Inc. also said that in extreme weather, the energy consumed by customers when charging may vary from 10 to 25 kilowatt hours, and the new billing method will "more accurately reflect the value delivered to customers and the cost generated by Tesla, Inc.."

In the US domestic market, Tesla, Inc. has also begun to seek external cooperation on charging, deploying connectors that can be used to charge Tesla, Inc. models in the charging stations of EVgo, the largest charging network operator in the United States.

At the same time, in order to improve the charging efficiency and increase the vehicle convection efficiency of the charging station, in March 2019, Tesla, Inc. also launched the project Super charging pile V3, which has been brewing for three years, and has landed the first mature V3 supercharging station in Las Vegas in the United States.

In the past, the charge time of the V2 super-charge pile was 40-50 minutes, while the V3 super-charge pile adopted the latest liquid-cooled cable design, the charging rate reached 250 kilowatts, and the full charge was controlled within 30 minutes. In addition, before the promotion of V3 super-charged piles, Tesla, Inc. also increased the speed of V2 super-charged piles to 145kW.

Tesla, Inc. 's share price soared above $500 for the first time on January 13, hitting an all-time high of $522.68. Judging from Friday's closing price, Tesla, Inc. 's shares have risen more than 100 per cent since late September.

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