
尚晉國際(02528.HK)與UFC GYM訂獨家合作協議 明年首季於澳門開設首家健身中心

Suntec International (02528.HK) and UFC GYM have signed an exclusive cooperation agreement to open the first fitness center in Macau in the first quarter of next year.

AASTOCKS ·  Oct 3, 2024 14:07

Shangjin International (02528.HK) announced the signing of an exclusive cooperation agreement with UFC GYM, planning to open the first UFC GYM fitness center in Macau's Jin Yin Island World of Fame in the first quarter of next year, covering an area of 0.015 million square feet.

UFC GYM is a major brand extension of the global mixed martial arts organization UFC. Since its establishment in 2009, UFC GYM has opened over 170 branches in more than 37 countries worldwide, with over 0.125 million members. Vincent Fan Wing Ting, founder, chairman, and executive director of Shangjin International, stated that in recent years, 'travel & leisure' has become a development focus of the Macau SAR government. By combining sports with travel, it is expected to create new opportunities for Macau to develop into a world-class travel and leisure destination.

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