
高盛技术策略师:标普500指数6000点目标太低 美股年底将迎一波大涨

Goldman Sachs technical strategist: s&p 500 index target of 6000 points is too low, US stocks will see a big rally by the end of the year.

Zhitong Finance ·  07:08

Goldman Sachs technical strategist Scott Rubner expressed concerns that the 6000 point target is too low!

According to the China Fortune Financial App, Goldman Sachs technical strategist Scott Rubner stated that he is so bullish on the USA stock market that he is now worried that his price target for the s&p 500 index is set too low.

In a report on Wednesday, Rubner said, "I am concerned that my 6000 point target is too low." He predicts that the s&p 500 index will experience a significant increase in November and December 2024, surpassing 6000 points by the end of 2024.

The technical strategist explained that he believes the USA stock market will experience an upturn in the last few months of 2024, following historical trends, with a possible temporary decline in the next three weeks. Rubner said, "I am optimistic about the year-end rally in the USA stock market, expected to start from October 28th." As of now, the s&p 500 index has risen by 956 points this year, a 20% increase.

Rubner cited data from the past 100 years to show that historically the market tends to decline in October and then rebound from October 27th. In election years, the market also often follows this trend, starting to rise around November 5th.

The Goldman Sachs strategist also pointed out that USA companies are currently under a share buyback ban, which will end on October 25th, meaning companies' ability to repurchase shares is limited at the moment.

Rubner explained that the approved $974 billion share buyback plan in September will be unleashed after the ban ends, boosting the rise of the USA stock market. He also noted that demand for call options ahead of the USA elections may further drive the increase in the USA stock market.

In addition, the upcoming corporate earnings season may further boost stock prices, provided that the financial results meet analysts' high expectations. Rubner said: "The 'Super Bowl' of American corporate profits will play out the week of October 25, with 61% of the market cap of the S&P 500 index reporting earnings in the two weeks before the election."

Rubner expects that investors will go through a highly volatile period in the next three weeks before the expected rise. He said: "I am preparing for increased market volatility, where the market may overreact to daily news and themes. The market now has greater freedom to fluctuate."

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