

Volume change rate ranking (9 o'clock) - Rain, Wind, Sun, Jelly Bee, etc. are ranked.

Fisco Japan ·  Oct 2 08:40

In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.

Top volume change rate [As of October 2, 9:32]

(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)

Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<3070> Jellybee 3127900 107185.08 305.84% 0.1944%

<4890> Tsubota Lab 652800 31500.64 274.27% 0.0222%

<143A> Ishin 534900 23612.12 179.46% -0.065%

<3738> Tea Gaia 2075700 165803.66 146.49% -0.0885%

Monster Lab <5255> 652,400 1,550,338.3 131.97% 0.0147%

Kamei <8037> 242,000 35,971.84 93.03% 0.0199%

Zojirushi <7965> 271,500 166,042.5 77.13% 0.0682%

iS Core US Bonds <1656> 691,900 189,692.92 50.86% 0.0003%

Optimus <9268> 651,200 129,813.396 50.82% -0.0155%

Ishii Iron <6362> 5,400 197,599.94 30.5% 0.0012%

Ishikawa Manufacturing <6208> 280,600 30,796 22.86% 0.0294%

Heart Seed <219A> 1,066,000 315,365.84 17.93% 0.0541%

<6095> Medpia 133,200 1,233,423.3 16.09% 0.0069%

<7447> Nagaireebe 40,600 74,912.28 6.93% -0.015%

<5616> Rain, Wind, Sun 424,200 88,591.06 6.68% 0.1592%

<2569> Listed NSQ He 43,890 535,671.8 6.31% -0.0162%

<176A> Regil 59,600 112,791.4 1.98% 0.0259%

<8226> Reasoning Economics 516,600 103,145.52 0.77% -0.0056%

<7063> Birdman 98,000 177,371.24 -0.24% 0.047%

<2330> Forside 788,100 48,014.36 -4.04% 0%

Stock code <6203> Toyowa Kogyo 200,000 135,257.12 -5.12% 0.0087%

Stock code <6740> JDI 116,764,000 179,779.86 -6.34% -0.0416%

Stock code <6946> Nikkei Avio 204,300 2,662,763.78 -8.11% -0.0496%

Stock code <8704> Traders 111,600 556,133.04 -11.39% 0.0211%

Stock code <6338> Takatori 40,700 108,721.92 -14.56% -0.0671%

Stock code <3205> Daidorimi 468,200 116,859.22 -14.99% -0.0255%

Stock code <3315> Nippon Coke 1,359,900 534,100.62 -15.03% 0%

Stock code <205A> Logos HD 14,400 168,766.56 -17.19% 0.0394%

<130A> VIS 31200 51126.5 -17.27% 0.0581%

<8387> Shikoku Silver 111800 52997.82 -18.72% -0.0093%

The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.

Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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